Тема: London, 2077. The Mad Hatter  (Прочитано 11292 раз)

Оффлайн Game Master

  • Administrator
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what role does a herd of carnivorous alpacas hint at?
At the role of the Judge

    Оффлайн Game Master

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    Ooohohh!!! I can breathe out now for a minute. Free drinks to everyone to commemorate the hostess of this bupiful place! Everybody ken юz RЯрашн нау if they will.
    The log will be ready tomorrow, I hope.


      Оффлайн pastor chivay

      • Сообщений: 267
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        Оффлайн l10ha

        • Сообщений: 143
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        МЫ ЗАКОНЧИЛИ, дорогой КОЛЛЕГА

          Оффлайн pastor chivay

          • Сообщений: 267
          • Karma: 18
          МЫ ЗАКОНЧИЛИ, дорогой КОЛЛЕГА


            Оффлайн l10ha

            • Сообщений: 143
            • Karma: 12
            МЫ ЗАКОНЧИЛИ, дорогой КОЛЛЕГА



              Оффлайн Sue Sharlin

              • моя крыша не поехала - она работает удаленно
              • Сообщений: 26
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              МЫ ЗАКОНЧИЛИ, дорогой КОЛЛЕГА


              ДАВАЙ РОДОЛЖАТЬ

              Продолжать + рожать...... Я думаю, будущее поколения продолжит наши деяния. Я думаю, ты это имел в виду

                Оффлайн Game Master

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                Представляю как работает Гейм Мастер, все вокруг галдят, кричат, ругаются, пальцами тычут, ему свои бумажки передают, он весь такой деловой, а как закончит – так зайдёт по пути в бар, сядет за стойку да пофлудит с хозяйкой. Так, стоп

                  Оффлайн pastor chivay

                  • Сообщений: 267
                  • Karma: 18
                  Представляю как работает Гейм Мастер, все вокруг галдят, кричат, ругаются, пальцами тычут, ему свои бумажки передают, он весь такой деловой, а как закончит – так зайдёт по пути в бар, сядет за стойку да пофлудит с хозяйкой. Так, стоп

                  Дада. И самое главностное-то — ссылки не забывает, чтоб сторисы дополнять. Типичный тяжёлый рабочий день, а?

                    Оффлайн Game Master

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                    Дада. И самое главностное-то — ссылки не забывает, чтоб сторисы дополнять. Типичный тяжёлый рабочий день, а?
                    Ух, посмотрите, уже и упрё— I mean, кхм... Получив щедрую добавку пенного чая, клиент охотно шепчет:Heard the news?..  There's guys from far detected something hazardous. It might be or not be linked to America's amgiguous position—but anyway, it's coming, and it's real. Even Gildenlow Junior cried. Well, of course—he don't wanna hang! It would contradict to his nordic views on life. It's hard to stop now on our way ho mayhem... All we can do now is to play strange beats.

                      Оффлайн pastor chivay

                      • Сообщений: 267
                      • Karma: 18
                      Heard the news?..  There's guys from far detected something hazardous. It might be or not be linked to America's amgiguous position—but anyway, it's coming, and it's real. Even Gildenlow Junior cried. Well, of course—he don't wanna hang! It would contradict to his nordic views on life. It's hard to stop now on our way ho mayhem...

                      Ew, of course I heard... News make me shivering nowadays, but I can't avoid this because of my job. It's something just like swamp... Regarding to hanging men—did you hear that some woman was hanged right on the street? She has killed someone... Ugh, wait! She killed me! Ha-ha, what a pity... Right after our wedding... I wish I could make her alive again... TT"
                      Oh. I shouldn't tell it to you. Forget it, I am bartender and I'm supposed to listening other's stories, not telling mine. Ugh. Another cup of tea?..

                        Оффлайн Game Master

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                        Sure, past, uh... past-or-r-r-tender?, I'll gladly get two if you agree for a story in return. I have a ghosts story and the stories story to tell you. Which you'd like to hear?

                        make me shivering
                        This stereo effect makes my brain cells shiver, ha-ha!

                          Оффлайн pastor chivay

                          • Сообщений: 267
                          • Karma: 18
                          Sure, past, uh... past-or-r-r-tender?, I'll gladly get two if you agree for a story in return. I have a ghosts story and the stories story to tell you. Which you'd like to hear?

                          B O T H  O F  T H E M
                          (but for now... g h o s t s)

                            Оффлайн Game Master

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                            Alright... I need to gather my thoughts though, as they're all occupied by some other story I have to finish... ykwim

                              Оффлайн pastor chivay

                              • Сообщений: 267
                              • Karma: 18
                              two cups of tea in advance!

                                Оффлайн Game Master

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                                That's how I like it! Ta for that, Wonderpastor!
                                One more crumble of the news 4ya then: they say there's one more post-rock album from Invicta's motherland, which is kinda average but still kinda catchy

                                  Оффлайн pastor chivay

                                  • Сообщений: 267
                                  • Karma: 18
                                  there's one more post-rock album, which is kinda average but still kinda catchy

                                  ive been listening the whole album. not bad! great guys, the last song is just something!

                                  don't open this.


                                  actually I didn't expect something unusual. I mean, have you ever noticed the similarity between the most part of such stuff? most of them sounds exactly the same. I even subscribed to mixes-channels but all i got were usual songs using the same chords the same mood the samest same sameness. this problem relates not only to post-rock but such genres like maybe synthwave or something. even post-punk.
                                  oh damn.
                                  everything sounds so ordinary. everything looks so ordinary. world is so ordinary. we all are ordinary. TT
                                  only unusual stories don't let me feel dissapointed in this music life

                                    Оффлайн shiori

                                    • retiree
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                                    • goldsilverbronzethorium
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                                      •  Мужской
                                    ака Куронэк :: [Maschera] :: Los Cafeteros :: My Little Mokocchi :: Я тебя убью. А торт, кстати, уже съели. :: Мэнхэра-тян :: ⛩ / c♯

                                    Betrayer..2 Last Hero..1 Win..10 Ind Win..3 Kills..31 GM..8 Player..56 Killed..26 Executed..14 Alive..12 Freezed..3 Town..26 Mafia..18 Maniac..3 Cult..5 Neutral..6 Team..4 Include..102

                                      Оффлайн Game Master

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                                      Dangerous, you say? I started writing the answer, and before I knew I had up to 4k symbols of banalities X) And I wasn't l even able to add the links as my internets don't feel well

                                      « Последнее редактирование: Апреля 29, 2020, 08:12:25 от Game Master »

                                        Оффлайн pastor chivay

                                        • Сообщений: 267
                                        • Karma: 18
                                        Dangerous, you say? I started writing the answer, and before I knew I had up to 4k symbols of banalities X) And I wasn't l even able to add the links as my internets don't feel well

                                        ha-ha! that's what I mean! ...but you could just... t h i s

                                          Оффлайн Game Master

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                                          Today s-s-space, tomorrow the ghosts!

                                            Оффлайн shryggur

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                                            • silverbronzethorium
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                                            Добавил опрос
                                            твь й
                                            Game-39 GM-5 Town-12 Mafia-9 Cult-2 Maniac-1  Neutral-4 Win-9 PW-1

                                              Оффлайн pastor chivay

                                              • Сообщений: 267
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                                              Today s-s-space, tomorrow the ghosts!


                                                Оффлайн shryggur

                                                • Administrator
                                                • silverbronzethorium
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                                                will do I PRAMIS
                                                твь й
                                                Game-39 GM-5 Town-12 Mafia-9 Cult-2 Maniac-1  Neutral-4 Win-9 PW-1

                                                  Оффлайн shryggur

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                                                  • silverbronzethorium
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                                                    •  Мужской
                                                  Actually, this track was on my alarm clock for a few years :aranai:
                                                  твь й
                                                  Game-39 GM-5 Town-12 Mafia-9 Cult-2 Maniac-1  Neutral-4 Win-9 PW-1

                                                    Оффлайн shryggur

                                                    • Administrator
                                                    • silverbronzethorium
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                                                    твь й
                                                    Game-39 GM-5 Town-12 Mafia-9 Cult-2 Maniac-1  Neutral-4 Win-9 PW-1

                                                      Оффлайн pastor chivay

                                                      • Сообщений: 267
                                                      • Karma: 18
                                                      Actually, this track was on my alarm clock for a few years :aranai:

                                                      over time i began to hate those tracks that were on my alarm clock

                                                        Оффлайн shryggur

                                                        • Administrator
                                                        • silverbronzethorium
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                                                          •  Мужской
                                                        Actually, I lied. It won't be a ghost story. It will be a cake story, sorry! But—it's also about me.
                                                        I was a cake once. A dangerous lunatic cake, that is. I loved wandering around and burning my cakey brothers to ashes and feed them to mice. I was collecting my spongy comrades' limbs. While doing that, I was asking them to sing a little tune and recording it on magnetic tape, so I also had such an impressive collection too. I was doing okay until once I wandered to one city which was not appear in my map—much to my miserable biscuit perdition. In an instance, wild cakes, pies, brownies, and muffins and surrounded me, grabbed me and led me to their cake lord. He was old and wise (actually dumb as heck, duh). So he drove me to a “wild party” (but really it was some sad confectionery) where they extracted all the spicy hot sweetness out of me. Since then I'm a ttly good kittyzen and no one fears me, but I feel like a stale crusty zombie bound to serve as a clerk. All I'm dreaming of from then is to get enough sugar crumbs to get the new filling and return to buznus. It's sad. I'm sad. How did this happen? :(

                                                        but you could just... t h i s
                                                        This guy actually knows something about it, ha-ha
                                                        That's especially cool considering how genuine and right down to business at his latest gigs he is
                                                        over time i began to hate those tracks that were on my alarm clock
                                                        Maybe that's why I only use vibration mode for alarms? Still, it was fun to wake up over a some haunting melody
                                                        твь й
                                                        Game-39 GM-5 Town-12 Mafia-9 Cult-2 Maniac-1  Neutral-4 Win-9 PW-1